2011. 6. 6.

Seoul Attractions

Diary Type
Content schema - background knowledge about the text

Seoul Attractions

♬ Choose this website if you:
 ☞ want to get information about Seoul attractions
 ☞ are planning a short trip to Seoul
 ☞ want to know what is the favorite attraction for foreigners

♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
 ☞ Choose an attraction you like and read the reviews written by foreigners. How do they react? Why do they like the attraction? And, what points they do not like?
 ☞ Choose an attraction and write a short paragraph to introduce the attraction to foreigners. You can refer to the reviews.
 ☞ Imagine that you are to introduce Seoul to your foreign friend. You should choose where to visit in Seoul. What attractions would you choose and why? Refer to the reviews and write your answer.

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