2011. 6. 5.

Marching off the map

Q & A Type
Lower levels of reading skills - Word attack skills, Decoding print

Marching off the map

Click 'more' at the end of the paragraph.

♬ Choose this website if you :
 ☞ want to know more words in context
 ☞ be introduced with a Korean book about touching stories of overseas volunteering
 ☞ already have heard about Biya Han

♬ Questions
 ☞ How does the writer describe Biya Han? More specifically, what does "free-spirited round-the-world tourist and best-selling writer?" mean? 
 ☞ Write the meaning of the sentence, referring to the meaning chunks : "You / will feel / almost / as if / breathing in the same space / with Han /, witnessing the pain and sufferings of people / alienated and ignored / in little corners of this world / , feeling stronger and more confident / about your ability / to help people in disaster /, and so on.
 ☞ Read the reviews at the bottom of the webpage. How do other people think about this book?

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