2011. 6. 9.
2011. 6. 7.
How to use the tap "extensive reading materials"
-- For Students --
You may use the tap for choosing what to read based on genre. Click the genre, then you will see three different books in each genre. You can refer to the first and second paragraphs for your reading choice.
For example, if you want to read something related to Fantasy, click on 'Fantasy' on the right. Then, a document will appear. Scroll down and read first two paragraphs. The paragraphs will give you an idea about what to read. After you make up your mind, find the book in our English-only Library. And enjoy the book you chose, that's all.
-- For Teachers --
If you are planning some activities based on extensive reading, the tap would help. Decide which genre you want to introduce to your students. Click on the genre, then you will see three different books. First paragraph is a general introduction of the book. Second paragraph gives you an idea what the book is about. Third and fourth paragraphs suggest you a possible activity for target students. However, keep in mind that the activity is designed for first language learners, not in EFL setting. You might have to adjust the level or type of activity for Korean EFL students. The last line of each page is the book information cited in MLA format.
I believe the extensive reading materials and activities would help you designing reading lessons. Don't forget the fun you will introduce to our students.
Designed by Miso Kim
2011. 6. 6.
How to use the self-access reading resources
-- For Students --
1) Choose a category you want to read.
2) Read the titles and activity types(written at the top) of websites in the category carefully.
3) Choose a website based on the section "Choose this website if you...".
4) Read the website as the direction says
5) Choose an activity you want to do. Do the activity as directed.
6) Show your work to your teacher on the announced day. You will get plus points based on your quality of work and the type of activity you have done.
-- For Teachers --
I designed the self-access reading resources based on students' interests and activity types. Students can choose what they want to read referring to the section at the top. At the same time, the students would activite their schema related to the website unconsciously because the section itself stimulates the students' imagination and expectations of the website.
After they choose a website, they are supposed to complete one activity among two or three choices provided. There are four different activity types they can try: Diary type, Q & A type, individual project work and treasure hunt type. The activity types are written at the top, so basically they can choose what they want to do.
The students would get plus points or make-up points on attitude score(태도점수) for their works. According to the difficulty of their work, they will receive differentiated points. For example, a student who completed 'individual project work' would get more point than 'Q & A Type'. Thus the works are basically for out-of-class, with some exception in case that the teacher may want to use them in class.
Teachers may refer to the targeted reading skills, strategies or types of schema on the top. It would help teachers evaluating students' work, or guiding what to read for individual students. The use of the section is totally up to teachers.
I tried to avoid stereotyped works which begin from pre-reading questions and end with post-reading questions because I believe that students should be allowed to truly enjoy the authentic reading resources. I did not want our students to struggle with the questions even in out of class for plus points, but to enjoy the intriguing materials and activities I designed. I expect that this would help stimulating their intrinsic motivation.
This collection is dedicated to all the teachers in this world who are committed to impact future generations, one heart and mind at a time. I hope this collection is meaningfully used for your teaching.
Gratefully, Miso Kim
Seoul Attractions
Diary Type
Content schema - background knowledge about the text

♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ want to get information about Seoul attractions
☞ are planning a short trip to Seoul
☞ want to know what is the favorite attraction for foreigners
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Choose an attraction you like and read the reviews written by foreigners. How do they react? Why do they like the attraction? And, what points they do not like?
☞ Choose an attraction and write a short paragraph to introduce the attraction to foreigners. You can refer to the reviews.
☞ Imagine that you are to introduce Seoul to your foreign friend. You should choose where to visit in Seoul. What attractions would you choose and why? Refer to the reviews and write your answer.
Content schema - background knowledge about the text
Seoul Attractions
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ want to get information about Seoul attractions
☞ are planning a short trip to Seoul
☞ want to know what is the favorite attraction for foreigners
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Choose an attraction you like and read the reviews written by foreigners. How do they react? Why do they like the attraction? And, what points they do not like?
☞ Choose an attraction and write a short paragraph to introduce the attraction to foreigners. You can refer to the reviews.
☞ Imagine that you are to introduce Seoul to your foreign friend. You should choose where to visit in Seoul. What attractions would you choose and why? Refer to the reviews and write your answer.
Korea Tourism Organization
Diary Type
Formal schema - understanding different language and text organization in use

♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ have a Facebook account
☞ want to see how foreigners think about travelling in Korea
☞ are planning a travel in Korea
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Read some posts written by 'Korea Tourism Organization' and other people. How are they different?
☞ Look for several internet languages and translate it on your own. The words may not be in your dictionary.
☞ Pick a place you want to travel among the posts. Write the reason why as well.
Formal schema - understanding different language and text organization in use
Korea Tourism Organization
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ have a Facebook account
☞ want to see how foreigners think about travelling in Korea
☞ are planning a travel in Korea
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Read some posts written by 'Korea Tourism Organization' and other people. How are they different?
☞ Look for several internet languages and translate it on your own. The words may not be in your dictionary.
☞ Pick a place you want to travel among the posts. Write the reason why as well.
Honeymoon in South Korea - travel package tours
Individual Project Type
Metacognitive skills - understanding the task demands, distinguishing information

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ know what places do foreign travelers go
☞ design your own Korean travel itinerary for foreigners
☞ introduce several attractions to foreign friends
♬ The steps to complete your project work:
1) Read the itinerary carefully and look for the places in your city
2) Add some more spots in your city that foreigners would love to visit
3) Design your own itinerary for 3-day-trip in your city. You do not need to plan hotels and transportations, but pay attention to the attractions in your city foreigners would like.
Metacognitive skills - understanding the task demands, distinguishing information
Honeymoon in South Korea -
travel package tours
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ know what places do foreign travelers go
☞ design your own Korean travel itinerary for foreigners
☞ introduce several attractions to foreign friends
♬ The steps to complete your project work:
1) Read the itinerary carefully and look for the places in your city
2) Add some more spots in your city that foreigners would love to visit
3) Design your own itinerary for 3-day-trip in your city. You do not need to plan hotels and transportations, but pay attention to the attractions in your city foreigners would like.
Treasure Hunt Type
Metacognitive skills - skimming for general idea, scanning for details

♬ Choose this website if you want to know :
☞ what kind attractions foreigners are interested in
☞ how Korea is advertised for foreigners
☞ several spots you might want to visit in future
♬ Treasure Hunt Questions
☞ Find out what festivals are held in June. There are many different festivals held in various places in Korea.
☞ Find well-known sights for foreigners in the webpage and summarize them.
☞ How can foreigners accommodate their travel? Write the steps to accommodate 'hanok'.
Metacognitive skills - skimming for general idea, scanning for details
♬ Choose this website if you want to know :
☞ what kind attractions foreigners are interested in
☞ how Korea is advertised for foreigners
☞ several spots you might want to visit in future
♬ Treasure Hunt Questions
☞ Find out what festivals are held in June. There are many different festivals held in various places in Korea.
☞ Find well-known sights for foreigners in the webpage and summarize them.
☞ How can foreigners accommodate their travel? Write the steps to accommodate 'hanok'.
My Korea Trip
Q & A Type

Reading comprehension skills - literal & inferential comprehension
My Korea Trip
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ read more travel essays written by foreigners who traveled Korea
☞ know how foreigners feel about Korea
♬ Questions
☞ Where is the author from? The exact country is not mentioned, but some clues are presented at the first part of the essay. Is the author from a cold country or warm country?
☞ Why did his company buy too much in Korea?
☞ How does the author think about Korean food? Write your opinion.
2011. 6. 5.
ORBIS international - Facebook
Diary Type
Formal schema - understanding different language and text structure in use

♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ want to read how people around the world think about ORBIS
☞ want to know internet language in English
☞ have a Facebook account
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Read some posts written by ORBIS international and other people. Compare how their writing style is different.
☞ Pick several internet languages you like and find out what they mean. The meaning may not be in dictionary, but on the internet.
☞ Write a comment about ORBIS international on the webpage. If you have an account, you need to sign in. If not, you can just create an account very easily by clicking 'sign up'.
Formal schema - understanding different language and text structure in use
ORBIS international - Facebook
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ want to read how people around the world think about ORBIS
☞ want to know internet language in English
☞ have a Facebook account
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Read some posts written by ORBIS international and other people. Compare how their writing style is different.
☞ Pick several internet languages you like and find out what they mean. The meaning may not be in dictionary, but on the internet.
☞ Write a comment about ORBIS international on the webpage. If you have an account, you need to sign in. If not, you can just create an account very easily by clicking 'sign up'.
ORBIS - Saving Sight Worldwide
Treasure Hunt Type
Metacognitive Skills - Identifying important aspects, looking for details, analyzing the problem

♬ Choose this article if you want to:
☞ read more information about ORBIS, which is the theme of our text
☞ know how exactly ORBIS helps people who have problem in sight
♬ Treasure Hunt Questions
☞ Where do they work? Find out the locations ORBIS is currently working.
☞ What does 'Cyber-sight' mean? Search for details in the website and briefly write the answer in 2-3 sentences.
☞ How can you get involved in ORBIS? Write several possible ways to support ORBIS.
Metacognitive Skills - Identifying important aspects, looking for details, analyzing the problem
ORBIS - Saving Sight Worldwide
♬ Choose this article if you want to:
☞ read more information about ORBIS, which is the theme of our text
☞ know how exactly ORBIS helps people who have problem in sight
♬ Treasure Hunt Questions
☞ Where do they work? Find out the locations ORBIS is currently working.
☞ What does 'Cyber-sight' mean? Search for details in the website and briefly write the answer in 2-3 sentences.
☞ How can you get involved in ORBIS? Write several possible ways to support ORBIS.
Marching off the map
Q & A Type
Lower levels of reading skills - Word attack skills, Decoding print
♬ Choose this website if you :
☞ want to know more words in context
☞ be introduced with a Korean book about touching stories of overseas volunteering
☞ already have heard about Biya Han
♬ Questions
☞ How does the writer describe Biya Han? More specifically, what does "free-spirited round-the-world tourist and best-selling writer?" mean?
☞ Write the meaning of the sentence, referring to the meaning chunks : "You / will feel / almost / as if / breathing in the same space / with Han /, witnessing the pain and sufferings of people / alienated and ignored / in little corners of this world / , feeling stronger and more confident / about your ability / to help people in disaster /, and so on.
☞ Read the reviews at the bottom of the webpage. How do other people think about this book?
Lower levels of reading skills - Word attack skills, Decoding print
Marching off the map
Click 'more' at the end of the paragraph.
☞ want to know more words in context
☞ be introduced with a Korean book about touching stories of overseas volunteering
☞ already have heard about Biya Han
♬ Questions
☞ How does the writer describe Biya Han? More specifically, what does "free-spirited round-the-world tourist and best-selling writer?" mean?
☞ Write the meaning of the sentence, referring to the meaning chunks : "You / will feel / almost / as if / breathing in the same space / with Han /, witnessing the pain and sufferings of people / alienated and ignored / in little corners of this world / , feeling stronger and more confident / about your ability / to help people in disaster /, and so on.
☞ Read the reviews at the bottom of the webpage. How do other people think about this book?
How to volunteer overseas
Individual Project Work
Higher levels of reading skills - Critical reading skills, synthesizing

♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ want to know specific and realistic aspects of overseas volunteering
☞ are a critical reader who felt difficulties in overseas volunteering when reading the textbook
☞ want to know the steps to volunteer overseas
♬ The steps to complete your project:
1) Read the website thoroughly.
2) Check some realistic difficulties or obstacles in overseas volunteering.
3) Apply those points to our text. What kind of problems the doctors and nurses might have faced? What kind of serious consideration they might have done before they decided to volunteer?
4) Summarize your work on your project book.
Higher levels of reading skills - Critical reading skills, synthesizing
How to volunteer overseas
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ want to know specific and realistic aspects of overseas volunteering
☞ are a critical reader who felt difficulties in overseas volunteering when reading the textbook
☞ want to know the steps to volunteer overseas
♬ The steps to complete your project:
1) Read the website thoroughly.
2) Check some realistic difficulties or obstacles in overseas volunteering.
3) Apply those points to our text. What kind of problems the doctors and nurses might have faced? What kind of serious consideration they might have done before they decided to volunteer?
4) Summarize your work on your project book.
Individual Project Work
Metacognitive strategies - Skimming, highlighting key ideas and summarizing

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ read authentic story about overseas volunteering
☞ know how other people volunteer around the world
☞ know more about how it is to live in other countries
♬ Individual Project Work : Steps
1) Take a glance at the website and write the points you think important
2) Revisit the points you highlighted and write a short summary about the website
3) Based on your summary, look for other volunteering stories on the web (1-2 stories)
4) Summarize the stories in the same way.
5) Add the summaries to your project book. It is now an excellent collection of overseas volunteering stories.
Metacognitive strategies - Skimming, highlighting key ideas and summarizing
Interview with Charlotte Beauvoisin,
Volunteer in Uganda
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ read authentic story about overseas volunteering
☞ know how other people volunteer around the world
☞ know more about how it is to live in other countries
♬ Individual Project Work : Steps
1) Take a glance at the website and write the points you think important
2) Revisit the points you highlighted and write a short summary about the website
3) Based on your summary, look for other volunteering stories on the web (1-2 stories)
4) Summarize the stories in the same way.
5) Add the summaries to your project book. It is now an excellent collection of overseas volunteering stories.
What is poetry?
Diary Type
Higher level of reading skills - evaluation and appreciation

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ know what 'poetry' means exactly
☞ read poetry about poetry
☞ know how other famous poets thought about poetry
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Translate the poem 'poetry' in your words. You do not have to translate it exactly, but try to convey the same feeling.
☞ Search for other old sayings about poetry. Write them down, and then write your opinion about the sayings. Do you agree with them or not? And why?
☞ What do you think 'poetry' is? Write your own poem about poetry.
Higher level of reading skills - evaluation and appreciation
What is poetry?
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ know what 'poetry' means exactly
☞ read poetry about poetry
☞ know how other famous poets thought about poetry
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Translate the poem 'poetry' in your words. You do not have to translate it exactly, but try to convey the same feeling.
☞ Search for other old sayings about poetry. Write them down, and then write your opinion about the sayings. Do you agree with them or not? And why?
☞ What do you think 'poetry' is? Write your own poem about poetry.
Types of Poetry
Treasure Hunt Type
Reading skills - distinguishing information, scanning for details
Types of Poetry
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ are a sensitive boy/girl who enjoy reading poem
☞ want to know different genres of poetry
☞ want to explore the world of English poetry
♬ Treasure hunt questions
☞ In our textbook, three poems are introduced. Which poetry genre they belong ? Read through the website and find out what type of poem they are.
☞ What would be Korean counterpart for "Haiku"? Actually we do have the genre of poetry, but it is known as Japanese origin in the world. Find the counterpart and write the reason why you think so.
An Oak Tree
Diary Type
Higher levels of reading skills - evaluation, appreciation
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ appreciate a new type of poem
☞ know different ways to express your emotions through language
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Write your own concrete poem using the website, http://www.wild-about-woods.org.uk/elearning/concretepoetry/
☞ How does concrete poetry different from other poetry? State your opinion.
Higher levels of reading skills - evaluation, appreciation
An Oak Tree
Read the poem only. You don't need to read others.
☞ appreciate a new type of poem
☞ know different ways to express your emotions through language
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Write your own concrete poem using the website, http://www.wild-about-woods.org.uk/elearning/concretepoetry/
☞ How does concrete poetry different from other poetry? State your opinion.
Too many chickens
Q & A Type
Strategies - allocating attention, analyzing the problem at hand

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ feel the very rhymes of language
☞ know how you can create rhyme
☞ read easy poem out loud just like you sing a song
♬ Questions
☞ What makes this poem rhythmical? Write your opinion.
☞ Why did the author put 'cheep' instead of 'cheap' at the end of the poem?
☞ Read the poem out loud. Why do you think rhyme is important in poems?
Strategies - allocating attention, analyzing the problem at hand
Too many chickens
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ feel the very rhymes of language
☞ know how you can create rhyme
☞ read easy poem out loud just like you sing a song
♬ Questions
☞ What makes this poem rhythmical? Write your opinion.
☞ Why did the author put 'cheep' instead of 'cheap' at the end of the poem?
☞ Read the poem out loud. Why do you think rhyme is important in poems?
Diary Type
Higher levels of reading skills - appreciation
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ read poems about school life
☞ feel rhymes of language
☞ know authentic expressions that are currently used in poems
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Write a poem titled 'students' with the poem. You may want to start with 'Students say, students go, students smile, students know'.
☞ What did the author want to say? Write your intelligent guesses.
☞ What makes this poem rhythmical? Analyze the poem.
Higher levels of reading skills - appreciation
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ read poems about school life
☞ feel rhymes of language
☞ know authentic expressions that are currently used in poems
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Write a poem titled 'students' with the poem. You may want to start with 'Students say, students go, students smile, students know'.
☞ What did the author want to say? Write your intelligent guesses.
☞ What makes this poem rhythmical? Analyze the poem.
2011. 6. 4.
Eye Spy
Q & A Type

Lower levels of reading skills - Word Attack skills
Eye Spy
Mouse over the question marks if you want to get some hints.
Solve as many questions as you can. (more than 10)
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ want to play a guessing game with some hints
☞ think you are a genius in recognizing pictures
☞ want to know more words that American students are already familiar with
♬ Questions
☞ What does 'magnifying' mean? Write your guess.
☞ What does 'outlet' mean? We have a Konglish counterpart for this word.
☞ Solve more questions until you see the words below. Write short definitions for each.
'dumpling', 'galoshes', 'microscope', 'scale', 'protractor'.
Squigly's Brain Teasers - Detective Stories
Individual Project Work
Content Schema - reading relevant stories
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ are a great narrator of stories
☞ want to work your brain out with detective questions
☞ want to quiz your friends with puzzling questions
♬ Individual projects you might want to do:
☞ Memorize some questions and answers in the website and tell them to your friends. Observe their reactions. Write what questions you have told and how they reacted.
☞ Pick several questions you like and write them at the top of page. Design your very own detective questions at the bottom, with reference to the questions you wrote.
Content Schema - reading relevant stories
Squigly's Brain Teasers - Detective Stories
Click on the 'A' icon if you want to know the answers.
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ are a great narrator of stories
☞ want to work your brain out with detective questions
☞ want to quiz your friends with puzzling questions
♬ Individual projects you might want to do:
☞ Memorize some questions and answers in the website and tell them to your friends. Observe their reactions. Write what questions you have told and how they reacted.
☞ Pick several questions you like and write them at the top of page. Design your very own detective questions at the bottom, with reference to the questions you wrote.
Valentine Murder Case
Diary Type
Higher levels of reading skills - synthesizing, appreciating

Higher levels of reading skills - synthesizing, appreciating
Valentine Murder Case
Click 'show spoilers' at the bottom.
♬ Choose this website if you:
☞ want to solve mysterious questions with Detective Conan
☞ want to know how American teenagers think of Conan
☞ are a big fan of Conan
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ How could Conan solve the mysterious case? Write the procedure on your diary.
☞ Do you enjoy watching Conan? Click on 'Forum' at the top and go to Detective Conan - General. Look around how other people think of Conan. Write your impression when you saw how other people think of Conan.
The Case of the Snack Shack
Q & A Type
Metacognitive skills - using while-reading strategies

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Solve a mystery question by yourself.
☞ Know some more detective stories other than our textbook
* Please work on the questions while you are reading the story.
♬ Questions
☞ Underline the clues you have got. Summarize it on your notebook.
☞ Pick a suspect you think. Write your reasons why you chose the person using your clues.
☞ Now click on 'continue'. Read the solutions and compare it with your own. Does it match? How did you figure it out? If it didn't match, how your reasoning and the solution differ?
Metacognitive skills - using while-reading strategies
The Case of the Snack Shack
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Solve a mystery question by yourself.
☞ Know some more detective stories other than our textbook
* Please work on the questions while you are reading the story.
♬ Questions
☞ Underline the clues you have got. Summarize it on your notebook.
☞ Pick a suspect you think. Write your reasons why you chose the person using your clues.
☞ Now click on 'continue'. Read the solutions and compare it with your own. Does it match? How did you figure it out? If it didn't match, how your reasoning and the solution differ?
Picnic Interruptus
Q & A Type
Intensive reading - focusing on comprehension
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Be an intelligent detective who is capable of detecting the culprit
☞ Solve a mystery question by yourself
* Please work on those questions only if you are finished reading all the clues and solutions.
♬ Questions
☞ What does 'actual romance' mean in the first clue? It does not mean only hanging out with.
☞ Why did Hanna shot Harry? Write your critical reasoning by yourself.
Intensive reading - focusing on comprehension
Picnic Interruptus
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Be an intelligent detective who is capable of detecting the culprit
☞ Solve a mystery question by yourself
* Please work on those questions only if you are finished reading all the clues and solutions.
♬ Questions
☞ What does 'actual romance' mean in the first clue? It does not mean only hanging out with.
☞ Why did Hanna shot Harry? Write your critical reasoning by yourself.
Individual Project Work
Metacognitive skills - understanding task demands, applying the text to the task at hand

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Know different campaigns to promote Fair Trade
☞ Investigate the ways to support Fair Trade
☞ Design your own campaign about Fair Trade
♬ Individual Projects you might want to do:
☞ Find some other campaigns in the website and design your own campaign to support Fair Trade in Korea. How can you apply Fair Trade to Korea?
☞ Write commercial copies to promote Fair Trade. For example, the writer wrote 'Make Every Cup Fair', 'Show Us Your Mug!'. Write 2-3 commercial copies and write why you wrote so.
Metacognitive skills - understanding task demands, applying the text to the task at hand
Make Every Cup Fair
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Know different campaigns to promote Fair Trade
☞ Investigate the ways to support Fair Trade
☞ Design your own campaign about Fair Trade
♬ Individual Projects you might want to do:
☞ Find some other campaigns in the website and design your own campaign to support Fair Trade in Korea. How can you apply Fair Trade to Korea?
☞ Write commercial copies to promote Fair Trade. For example, the writer wrote 'Make Every Cup Fair', 'Show Us Your Mug!'. Write 2-3 commercial copies and write why you wrote so.
Diary Type
Higher levels of reading skills - appreciation

♬ Choose this website if you are interested in:
☞ Various ways to support developing countries
☞ Creative ideas other than Fair Trade
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ How did you feel after knowing different ways to support developing countries? Write your reactions.
☞ The methods suggest that people in developing countries can also stand on their own feet, not just relying on international aids. Do you think developed countries should keep giving aids, or help them stand on their feet? What is your opinion?
☞ Draw a creative invention for developing countries similar to the pictures.
Higher levels of reading skills - appreciation
Fair trade, responsible travel and appropriate technology
Actually this is written by me. So, you may ask questions at any time if you don't understand something, or you are interested in those fields.
☞ Various ways to support developing countries
☞ Creative ideas other than Fair Trade
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ How did you feel after knowing different ways to support developing countries? Write your reactions.
☞ The methods suggest that people in developing countries can also stand on their own feet, not just relying on international aids. Do you think developed countries should keep giving aids, or help them stand on their feet? What is your opinion?
☞ Draw a creative invention for developing countries similar to the pictures.
Fair Trade Coffee Stories
Diary Type
Higher levels of reading skills - evaluation and appreciation, Promoting divergent thinkings

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Read more fair trade stories other than Naki
☞ Know why fair trade is so important for children living in developing world
☞ Know how you can help them
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Suppose that you are an advertiser who has to advertise fair trade coffee so that the children can be ensured of schooling. How would you design your advertisement?
☞ Write your feelings after you have read this story. How did you feel?
☞ Do you think this story effectively delivers Adunya's story? Wasn't there some other ways to deliver the touching story? For example, the writer can write a letter, a persuasive newspaper article, or even a diary of Adunya. Criticize the format of this article and provide your opinion.
Higher levels of reading skills - evaluation and appreciation, Promoting divergent thinkings
Fair Trade Coffee Stories
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Read more fair trade stories other than Naki
☞ Know why fair trade is so important for children living in developing world
☞ Know how you can help them
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ Suppose that you are an advertiser who has to advertise fair trade coffee so that the children can be ensured of schooling. How would you design your advertisement?
☞ Write your feelings after you have read this story. How did you feel?
☞ Do you think this story effectively delivers Adunya's story? Wasn't there some other ways to deliver the touching story? For example, the writer can write a letter, a persuasive newspaper article, or even a diary of Adunya. Criticize the format of this article and provide your opinion.
The rigged rules of global trade
Q & A Type
Lower levels of reading skills - Word attack skills

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ know why poor countries are always poor
☞ be aware of ugly truths about rich countries
☞ understand why fair trade is in immediate need
♬ Questions
☞ What does 'subsided' mean? Write your opinion.
☞ Explain "liberalisation" in your words.
☞ Why do rich countries split poor countries up?
Lower levels of reading skills - Word attack skills
The rigged rules of global trade
Click on each label and watch short animations provided below on each article.
You do not need to read the whole thing.
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ know why poor countries are always poor
☞ be aware of ugly truths about rich countries
☞ understand why fair trade is in immediate need
♬ Questions
☞ What does 'subsided' mean? Write your opinion.
☞ Explain "liberalisation" in your words.
☞ Why do rich countries split poor countries up?
The Fairtrade Foundation
Treasure Hunt Type
Metacognitive Skills - identifying what is the information they seek
Content Schema - knowledge about fair trade

♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Know more about Fairtrade mentioned in chapter 11
☞ Read authentic stories about fairtrade
☞ Get involved in fairtrade
♬ Treasure Hunt Questions
☞ What does the fairtrade mark mean? Find out the answer in the website.
☞ How can you buy fairtrade products? Find out the webpage and choose what you want to buy.
☞ What is the Fairtrade minimum price? It is not mentioned in your textbook, but very important for understanding Fairtrade.
Metacognitive Skills - identifying what is the information they seek
Content Schema - knowledge about fair trade
The Fairtrade Foundation
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Know more about Fairtrade mentioned in chapter 11
☞ Read authentic stories about fairtrade
☞ Get involved in fairtrade
♬ Treasure Hunt Questions
☞ What does the fairtrade mark mean? Find out the answer in the website.
☞ How can you buy fairtrade products? Find out the webpage and choose what you want to buy.
☞ What is the Fairtrade minimum price? It is not mentioned in your textbook, but very important for understanding Fairtrade.
2011. 6. 3.
Dr. Sansom's extreme facts
Treasure Hunt Type
Metacognitive Skills (Skimming & distinguishing information)
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ know different types of schools from different countries
☞ be familiarized with an interesting writing style
♬ Treasure Hunt Questions
☞ When England and Wales provided education for free?
☞ Why does the school in Caldey Island open and close repeatedly?
☞ How should we judge great schools? Write the author's opinion.
Metacognitive Skills (Skimming & distinguishing information)
Dr. Sansom's extreme facts
☞ know different types of schools from different countries
☞ be familiarized with an interesting writing style
♬ Treasure Hunt Questions
☞ When England and Wales provided education for free?
☞ Why does the school in Caldey Island open and close repeatedly?
☞ How should we judge great schools? Write the author's opinion.
South Korean High School
Q & A Type
Lower levels of reading skills (word attack skills and comprehension skills)
Metacognitive skills (Guessing difficult words they don't know)
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ Know how foreign students feel about Korean schools
☞ Learn about authentic expressions that American teenagers use
☞ Know challenging words that would help your English study
☞ Watch a video describing our school from foreigner's point of view
♬ Questions
☞ What does 'delve into' mean? Explain the meaning and write an example sentence using the word.
☞ What is the writer's attitude toward Korean culture? Describe how the writer feels about Korean culture.
☞ What are "Beverly Hills Celebrities" you think? It is not in your dictionary. Using your intelligent guess to infer its meaning.
Lower levels of reading skills (word attack skills and comprehension skills)
Metacognitive skills (Guessing difficult words they don't know)
South Korean High School
☞ Know how foreign students feel about Korean schools
☞ Learn about authentic expressions that American teenagers use
☞ Know challenging words that would help your English study
☞ Watch a video describing our school from foreigner's point of view
♬ Questions
☞ What does 'delve into' mean? Explain the meaning and write an example sentence using the word.
☞ What is the writer's attitude toward Korean culture? Describe how the writer feels about Korean culture.
☞ What are "Beverly Hills Celebrities" you think? It is not in your dictionary. Using your intelligent guess to infer its meaning.
2011. 6. 2.
Our School
Individual Project Work
Higher level of reading skills (applying the text to real world)
Our School
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ experience Italian culture
☞ advertise our school activities
☞ get ideas form Italian school activities when planning your class talent show
♬ Individual projects you might want to do:
☞ Plan our school activity by yourself. Creative ideas such as 'Operetta', 'Musical show' are very welcome. Include title, short description, and your reason why you planned it.
☞ Choose a school activity our school has. Imagine you are to introduce the school activity for students from around the world. How would you introduce it? Describe your systemic steps to introduce our school activity.
♬ Individual projects you might want to do:
☞ Plan our school activity by yourself. Creative ideas such as 'Operetta', 'Musical show' are very welcome. Include title, short description, and your reason why you planned it.
☞ Choose a school activity our school has. Imagine you are to introduce the school activity for students from around the world. How would you introduce it? Describe your systemic steps to introduce our school activity.
Visit the world of UN with name Annan
Diary Type
Content schema - general knowledge
♬ Choose this webpage if you are interested in:
☞ International Organizations such as UN, UNICEF, UNESCO.
☞ education in developing countries
☞ how people live in developing countries
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ What if you were born in such countries? Write an imaginative diary.
☞ How can you help the children? Write your creative suggestions.
☞ Write a persuasive letter for helping the children to Secretary-general of UN, Ban Ki-moon.
Content schema - general knowledge
Visit the world of the UN with name Annan
♬ Choose this webpage if you are interested in:
☞ International Organizations such as UN, UNICEF, UNESCO.
☞ education in developing countries
☞ how people live in developing countries
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ What if you were born in such countries? Write an imaginative diary.
☞ How can you help the children? Write your creative suggestions.
☞ Write a persuasive letter for helping the children to Secretary-general of UN, Ban Ki-moon.
School Years around the World
Diary Type
Content Schema - Cultural knowledge
School Years around the World
from Australia to South Korea
♬ Choose this website if you want to:
☞ know different school systems around the world.
☞ compare our school system with other countries.
☞ attend schools in other countries.
♬ Some possible themes for your diary entry:
☞ In which country you want to study? And why?
☞ What is the reason that different countries have different school systems?
Tell me your opinion.
2011. 6. 1.
General Introduction
▣Textbook : Middle School English 3 두산동아(김)
▣Target Students : Middle School 3rd grade
▣Target Level : All
▣Purpose : to provide students with authentic materials and meaningful opportunity to engage in out-of-class activities related to the textbook.
▣Category : Chapter-based, 6 categories with 5 for each
Detective Stories -Encyclopedia Brown, the Boy Detective
Fair Trade - Who is Behind the Sweet Taste of Chocolate?
Overseas Volunteering - Helping Hands
Poems we love - Poems We Love
Schools around the world - Schools Around the World
Travelling in Korea - Travelling in Korea
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