2011. 3. 16.

Feelings on MBTI test, again.

The type I've got is "ENTJ", which is slightly changed when I was a freshman. When I first took the test, the result said that I'm a type of "ENTP". Well, I believe that the change of the results precisely reflects the internal change of my personality. When I was a freshman, I was not very organized and tend to do all things at once. After I felt it is not the way I go, I changed my personality - because my ego was pretty malleable - at the time.
According to Keirsey.com., I am a "field marshal" who controls and organizes everything as a leader. Up to 95% correct, I think. Whenever I am engaging in a group activity, I was the leader, although the fact was unsaid.
And also I was kind of surprised that I have only the assets of "Extroversion". When I saw my answer sheet, none of my answer reflected "introverted". I myself sometimes think that I extroverted, however, it might not be true, I feel.

Here is the link I got the result from: http://keirsey.com/4temps/fieldmarshal.asp.

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