2011. 12. 19.

Vocabulary profiling


Student ID No. 2011220364   Name: Miso Kim

Vocabulary Profiling (Quantitative Assessment)

Writing 1
Writing 2
Total number of words

The number of contents words

The number of function words

Lexical Density
(the number of content words/the total number of words X 100 )

Lexical variety
(the number of different types of words/the total number of words X 100)

Lexical sophistication
(the number of words out of 1000-2000 levels/the total number of words X 100)

The average number of words
in a sentence

Your findings from the profiling:
I found that my paper is average level for the purpose of academic papers. 

Video Quiz on Disney/Pixar, "Up".

The quiz can be accessed through :


Activity Suggestions using Web 2.0 tools

All the websites are found from: http://web20guru.wikispaces.com/Web+2.0+Resources

1. Find good web tools for language learners in each condition below: 

a. A group of students in a novice level of proficiency, who are quiet, most of teen girls, who want to improve speaking skill

Animoto (http://animoto.com/)

=> Let them collect their own pictures or drawings from the web and string them together using this website. Record thier voice explaining the pictures and share with their friends.
This activity can be done individually, or in groups.

b. A group of students in an intermediate level, who has diverse educational backgrounds, aged around 20-30, who want to improve listening skill

Lit2go (http://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/)
=> The students first search for the books they want to listen to through the site catalog. And then listen to it with or without the text. They can listen to the audio files on their way go.

c. A student who has low literacy skills (e.g. reading and writing), but loves to read in Korean, aged at 12

Epubbooks - fairy tales (http://www.epubbooks.com/genre/fairy-tales)

Click some fairy tales or folktales the student is already familar with. Then read it in its English version.

d. A student who has low speaking skill but good listening skill, who is shy, aged at 16

Naturalreaders (http://www.naturalreaders.com/index.htm)
=> Type anything the student want to listen. Record the student's own voice saying the same thing the student has typed. Compare them and have fun trying out different sentences.

e. A student in a high intermediate, high literacy skills but low oracy (e.g. listening and speaking) skills, who lives out of town, not local area.

Little bird tales (http://littlebirdtales.com/)
=> Write his/her own story and collect pictures which represent it. String all the pictures together using this website and record their story out loud. Combine them together and publish the story. Share all the stories with classmates. 

My picture using Picnik

This photo was taken about a year ago, near Halloween :)